For Providers
Online Therapy in South Carolina
You care about your patients and you want to make sure that anyone else involved in their treatment cares too.
Need a starting point to talk with your patients about relationship needs and mental health needs? I’ve created a screening questionnaire you can go over with them to help understand their needs and discuss the benefits of therapy.
I’ve also created a letter for your patients experiencing infertility issues. Feel free to share it with them as they share their experience with you.
*The screening questionnaire is not intended to be a diagnostic tool. It is simply a list of questions to help you identify specific relational, emotional, and mental health issues they may experience.*
I believe collaboration is key to successful treatment of physical and mental health, and I’ll work with you to keep you informed of your patient’s progress and needs along the way.
Please fill out the form below on behalf of your patient and I will contact them within 2 business days. Once I speak with your patient and have their authorization to speak with you, I can begin coordinating care with you.